Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mock Business Card

Throughout this project, I ran into a few problems with the business card. My first problem was when I printed the card, I found the infinity symbol has a light black box around it. I have tried everything, and nothing has worked for me. When the card is displayed online or on inDeisgn it does not have this problem. Another problem is uploading this jpeg. I cannot seem to have this read clearly online. It looks fuzzy and not business professional, but when printed out on computer paper, it looks clear. 

I did enjoy making my own layout for a business card. I wanted to stay with my original colors of bright pink, white, silver and black. The white makes the personal information pop on the business card. Additionally, two fonts were used to make this business card. I believe each of the fonts compliment each other giving an elegant, but fun feeling to the card and business. 

Not only is creating a business card a project for the class, but it will also be helpful in the future for internships and jobs. I would not necessarily put a Company's name on the card, but rather significant information from my resume such as previous work experience or skills that I obtain. I feel making a business card for future employers would help me tremendously. 

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